Swim, Bike, Run: Your Triathlon Hub
Where Triathletes Unite!

Discover a world of triathlon passion and performance at Srcgadgets. Get training tips, and gear recommendations, and dive into the ultimate triathlon experience

Who Are We​

Welcome to SRCgadgets.com, your premier source for all things triathlon. We are a passionate community of triathletes, coaches, and enthusiasts dedicated to helping you achieve your triathlon goals. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just dipping your toes into the sport, we’ve got you covered with expert advice, training tips, gear reviews, and inspiring stories.

Our Mission​

At SRCgadgets, our mission is to empower triathletes of all levels to achieve their goals and reach new heights in the sport of triathlon. We are dedicated to fostering a vibrant and supportive community that shares a common passion for swimming, cycling, and running.

What We Do

We are committed to providing a wide range of services and resources tailored to the needs and interests of the triathlon community. Our offerings are designed to support triathletes at every level of experience and help them thrive in this multifaceted sport.

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Featured Articles

Meet The Expert Triathletes

Introducing you to the experts who conquer swimming, cycling, and running with unparalleled dedication and skill

Sarah Mitchell profile
Sarah Mitchell

Our resident cycling virtuoso. Sarah’s knowledge of bikes and race strategies is second to none

Laura Turner profile
Laura Turner

The swimming guru. Laura’s guidance will have you gliding through the water with confidence

eric jordan profile
Eric Jordan

A running maestro with a marathoner’s heart. David’s tips will help you conquer your running legs